
It’s the anniversary of 火博体育’s reed-making room, which exists thanks to the generous support of donors

MSM’s new 和 improved reed room for double reed students was unveiled one year ago in Room 116. Its upgrade is thanks to the generous support of donors, including the Stephen 和 Elaine Stamas Scholarship Fund 和 希瑟和约翰·波提. Also central to the initiative have been the efforts of MSM faculty members 雪莉塞拉 和 威廉短, as well as the company 芦苇什么的.

“Making good reeds is critical to performance,” says oboe faculty member 雪莉塞拉. “Reed-making makes up approximately 30 to 40 percent of preparation for a performance.”

巴松管教员 威廉短 告诉我们, “A reed room serves several purposes: as a centralized place to store valuable 和 useful reed-making machines, almost all of which are new to MSM; as a communal space where students can work on reeds 和 learn, 偶尔也会表示同情, together; 和 as an occasional teaching studio for faculty to work with students on their reeds.”

A reed event was held in Ades Performance Space in September to mark the opening of the newly updated reed room at MSM

Ms. 塞拉和先生. 短 share details about the new space.

MSM 教师 雪莉塞拉, Oboe, 和 威廉短, Bassoon

What kinds of improvements have been made in this new space?

Ms. 塞拉: Thanks to the largesse of two benefactors, the Elaine 和 Stephen Stamas Scholarship Fund希瑟和约翰·波提, we have been able to stock our reed room with new equipment. The room will also have a variety of br和s that will give the students valuable opportunities for comparisons.

Mr. 短除了外观上的改进, 比如油漆和灯光, substantial storage has been added for our fleet of reed-making machines, 和 there are plenty of workstations for multiples students to work on reeds simultaneously.

Why is having this new space special to you 和 your students?

Mr. 短: Reed-making is fundamental to the education of a double reed student; trying to make great music on a bad reed is like trying to play the snare drum with a wet noodle. This new space gives students a place to refine their craft; it gives them access to reliable, high-quality machines that ensure they’re starting from a consistent place; 和 having those machines gives them the opportunity to find out what they ultimately would like to purchase themselves as graduating draws closer.

Ms. 塞拉: The reed room is a space for sharing ideas, for learning from colleagues. The convivial atmosphere encourages 和 inspires students to work.

Many people may not be aware of the ongoing extra costs that double reed players incur to purchase expensive machinery for making reeds. By having the equipment installed in our reed room, students will benefit without having to purchase this necessary equipment for themselves.

The reed room should be a great source of pride for the students.


Tell us about the Double Reed Day that occurred at MSM. 有哪些亮点??

Ms. 塞拉: Some of our equipment was purchased from 芦苇什么的Udo Heng是一家德国公司. 先生不仅. Heng give the School a generous discount on the equipment, but he also graciously came to 火博体育 和 donated his time to present a Double Reed Day lecture on techniques for using all the 芦苇什么的 machines.

Mr. 短: The wonderful folks from 芦苇什么的 shared their extraordinary lineup of reed-making machines 和 other equipment with all of us; it was enriching for the students 和 the faculty. But what might have been most special about it for me was the sense of community – something that I’m excited to build on now that we have this communal space to share.

SLIDESHOW: Students 和 faculty work with Reeds 'n Stuff at MSM's Double Reed Day.

What are some of the other advantages to studying a double reed instrument at MSM?

Ms. 塞拉: If you are interested in studying a double reed instrument at Manhattan School, you will have access to this state-of-the-art reed lab. The oboists have three gougers for both oboe 和 English horn, pre-gougers, 牛头刨床技巧, 塑形机, 以及几种高档量具.

Mr. 短:此外, the faculty are drawn from some of the finest chamber ensembles 和 orchestras in the country, 我们都是合作的. 这是一件了不起的事情!


Mr. 短:做更多! 数量产生质量.

“What might have been most special about it for me was the sense of community – something that I’m excited to build on now that we have this communal space to share.”


